The CPF is growing fast, expanding its appeal across all ages and backgrounds. At the same time there is growing recognition that the party needs to widen its appeal, particularly among students and the aspirational under–30 bracket.
Help us boost the voice of our young members by joining our voluntary team as the CPF Youth Champion. Please apply by sending your CV and cover-letter to by 9am Monday 16 October.
Role Description below

Purpose of the job
Create a network of volunteer CPF Youth Ambassadors (one in each Region) to organise in-person CPF policy discussion events to get Conservative-leaning people under 30 engaged with the Party.
Core responsibilities
1. Find, recruit and manage a volunteer CPF Youth Ambassador for every region.
2. Support each Regional CPF Youth Ambassador to organise, promote and run two CPF policy discussion events for YCs (anyone under 30 with Conservative views, whether they are Party members or not), maximising the number of people who attend and participate in them. The discussion events use a proven and successful CPF small-group brainstorming format. Outlines and training on how to run them will be provided.
3. Feed back recommendations to the CPF leadership team on what is working well to attract more people under 30 to become involved in CPF activities, and what isn’t.
Skills needed
You will need to be a self-starter, able to reach out beyond associations to other groups, e.g. universities, young farmers, or other groups of young adults. The role will allow you to show leadership and management abilities, as well as people skills and emotional intelligence too.
Measures of Progress
By the end of your one-year term we hope that you will have:
1. Established a network of a dynamic CPF Youth Ambassador for every Region.
2. Supported the new Youth Ambassadors to organise, promote and run two policy discussion events for YCs with at least 50 people under 30 attending in total for each Region, each year.
Reports to: Conservative Policy Forum Voluntary Director
Duration: one year (renewable) voluntary role from end of Party Conference